Choosing a Word for 2023
For many people the practice of setting New Year’s resolutions has fallen away. Turning over a new leaf to let go of old behaviors or acquire new ones does not always lead to the sense of accomplishment and happiness we are looking for. It implies that if we can ‘change’ some aspect about ourselves, THEN we will be happy. Either we find we are unable to achieve those goals we have set or even if we do, they do not deliver what we had hoped they would.
However, as the page turns on a new year, there is a natural inclination toward reflection of where we have been and where we want to go. In support of that desire for growth and change, one practice that may help is choosing a Word of the Year. Your Word of the Year sets an intention - a theme for how you want to show up and what type of energy you want to bring to the year ahead.
Having an intention represented by one word that you keep in front of you as the year progresses can help guide your decisions and actions. Using the word as a touchstone, we are more likely to move forward in alignment with our own core values and continue the journey of becoming who we are and are meant to be.
Consider the following steps and see if this is something that might resonate for you.
Set aside some time over the next few days to reflect on the past year. Ask yourself these questions. Jot down whatever pops into your head without self-editing.
· What could I use more of in my life?
· What could I use less of in my life?
· What characteristics would I like to have?
· By the end of the day, I feel (fill in the blank).
· How do I want to feel?
Once you review your responses, you’ll have a better sense of the direction you would like to go or what you feel may be lacking in your life.
Visualize what the perfect day would feel like, the emphasis here is “Feel”. Think about how you want your morning routine to feel, how you want to feel at work or throughout the day, and how you want to feel right before you go to bed.
Continue to reflect and just observe what starts to come to the surface. Begin to ask yourself “What word would I want to focus on in 2023?”. This is simple but effective.
Spend 10 minutes creating a list of the words that come to mind, no self-editing! Need some help? As an example, here is the list that I have started to build for my 2023 Word of the Year:
Peace / Freedom / Balance / Openness / Willingness / Flexibility
Authenticity / Fulfilment / Alignment / Curiosity / Gratitude / Discovery
If any of these words resonate with you, feel free to add them to your list but let your mind wander and be open to see what surfaces for you. Revisit the list several times over the next few days and see what else emerges.
Review your list and narrow down your favorites. Circle or highlight 3 words. Chances are you’ll see a theme going on between the words you wrote down. Do any of the words jump out at you, make you feel excited, nervous, scared, uncomfortable, or at ease? Think about the words, try them on, and see what feels right. No need to over-analyze this process, trust your gut instead. Gently review your list and let the words pick you.
Which word are you most drawn to? Choose that one! The word will guide you throughout the year and even if you forget about it from time to time, subconsciously you’ll discover resources or tools to bring it into your life more than the year before.
Jot it down in your calendar, planner, or journal. You can write it on a post-it note and stick it on your bathroom mirror, computer, or anywhere else you’ll see it regularly.
Share it with someone who can help support you in the process throughout the year. When you come across challenging situations or decisions, reflect on your word and see how that might impact what you might do. You will find that it can often help stop the chatter or cut through the noise in our mind.
Remember that your word will most likely be representative of one or more of your core values and when we practice living in alignment with who we really are, we will end up where we are supposed to be.