My ‘Word of the Year’ - 2019
A friend of mine mentioned to me this January that rather than doing New Year’s Resolutions, she was going to pick a Word of the Year; something to focus and guide her choices and decisions, something to explore and reflect on. The idea intrigued me. People who know me know that I believe that whatever we focus on in our lives gets bigger… stronger. If we focus on our problems, they can consume us. If we shift focus to possibilities or solutions, then they grow and begin take up more space in our consciousness. It made sense to me that picking a Word of the Year would do the same thing.
So, what word? Even the process of reflecting on what my word might be has been interesting. Another of my core beliefs is that we should become more curious about ourselves; checking inside to see how we feel, what we believe and where we should be focusing our energy. So coming up with my word has been a process of being curious about what I really want for myself in 2019.
My word for 2019 is Authenticity. I chose it because I want to focus this year on being truly myself. I want my career choices, relationships, activities and decisions to be in alignment with who I am at my core. I have had an interesting and varied life. I have tried many things, lived many places and had many experiences. Often I found myself working to find my place as an employee, partner, friend, family member, leader, volunteer or business woman. This year I want to explore being truly authentic in my actions and choices and let the rest unfold; see where it takes me. I am excited to see what this process of reflection will bring into my life.
As I did more reading, I discovered that many people already do this… Word of the Year. It’s a thing! Maybe you have already incorporated this practice into your life. If so, I would love to hear from you. How does it works for you?
If Word of the Year resonates for you, consider what your word for 2019 might be. Share it below or with others. Celebrate the new year with curiosity and anticipation. Below are some resources you might want to check out. Happy New Year.
Melinda Gates - ‘Why I Choose a Word of the Year’
Finally, for those who might be interested, check out Word of the Year - Art Piece!!
Would you like your word of the year created as a customized art piece made on journal paper, ready for framing if desired. $25+ shipping.
If you’re interested just message Cathy on Instagram.
I am putting in my order today. :-)